This World Mental Health day, we support mental health for all. One of our skilled volunteers made this video to share what we do, how we support mental health, and how we have supported mental health throughout 2020.
Please watch and share!
World Mental Health Day 2020 at Bazooka Arts
You can read the full transcript here:
Bazooka Arts is a Scottish Charity dedicated to improving health and well-being through therapeutic arts interventions.
Including art, theatre, poetry, movement and dramatherapy.
We work with children and adults whose well-being and quality of life is compromised by isolation, physical and mental ill-health, ACEs and disabilities.
“Getting involved with the arts can have powerful and lasting effects on health. It can help to protect against a range of mental health conditions, help manage mental ill health and support recovery.”
Coulton, Clift, Skingley and Rodriguez (2015)
Creative achievements are shared with friends, family and the wider community. Boosting levels of confidence, self-esteem and belonging.
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, headlines warned of looming mental health impact.
“Engagement with the arts takes on a higher significance during unsettled times, helping with mental strain and unleashing the imagination to escape, innovate and create new ways of being.
World Economic Forum (September 2020)
We moved online and created safe spaces where everyone felt welcome!
Carefully and quickly, we put together art kits with essentials and delivered them safely to the community.
Everyone got busy making and sharing their art, poems, crafts and photographs!
Creating and connecting allowed everyone to spread some much needed positivity and support to each other during these difficult times.
Bazooka Arts participants said:
“When lockdown happened I felt lost. But now I’ve picked up art again for the first time in ten years! It’s taken my mind off everything and helped in the long-run.”
Bazooka arts participant
“If it wasn’t for Bazooka Arts I would have been left in complete isolation.”
Bazooka arts participant
“I had to wait months for help from NHS Mental Health Services. Bazooka Arts have been there for me. With care and creativity!”
Bazooka arts participant
This World Mental Health Day, and every day, we support mental health for all.
With special thanks to our funders:
The National Lottery Community Fund
Foundation Scotland
National Emergencies Trust
Bank of Scotland Foundation
North Lanarkshire Council